
About Masjid Adam
“Our mission is to serve, educate and inspire to develop a righteous community”

Learning Quran
Maddrasah for up to 240 students, not only teaching the fundamentals of the Quran, but how to help the wider society and I'm element an Islamic ethos from an early age.

Advice and counselling services
The Majid is not only a place of worship, it is also a space to help the community with issues that require speaking to someone. The masjid doors are open and we plan on helping who requires help or direction.

Professional Development focused on health, finance and careers advice
Many of our youngsters find themselves at cross roads as to their professional development and career to chose. Alhumdulllah many of our congregation come from professional backgrounds that can give our youngsters some direction as to a career path better suited for them.
Our Achievements
In June 2015 the Green Lane Community Centre established a prayer space by renting a small shop unit on 365 Green Lane with a capacity of 65 worshippers.
Alhamdullilah, in September 2019, the opportunity arose to acquire a freehold warehouse building at 64 Seven Kings Road, for £610,000. In December 2020, after being refused twice, planning permission was granted to convert the building into a new purpose built mosque with a capacity to hold 450 worshippers. The construction of the masjid started on 29 June 2021 and with the support of donations and qard-al-hasana was successfully completed. The masjid opened on 25 March 2022 before Ramadan and £869,000 of debt to pay back.